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Deliver us from evil!

"Deliver is from evil..." we pray daily. Might we add "deliver us from being terrorized?"

When we quiver,when we tremble, when we erect barrers the terrorists triumph, and the Statue of Liberty hangs her head in shame.

The reward for terrorists  is the production of FEAR.

That is their primary goal.

Yet politicians posture and sieze the moment to create more terrorized citizens.

They see fear as a vote getter so they offer us more fear.

Instead of being afraid of bedraggled widows and children from Syria, we might better fear the mighty NRA who open the gates for real terrorists to purchase weapons of mass destruction at open gun shows!

"A few years back, an Al Quida spokesman in a You Tube video, urged followers to use the "private sale loophole" to buy weapons and use them against Americans."


FDR said it right: "We have nothing to fear, but fear otself."

And we should not be afraid to show compassion and mercy.

The words of Pope Francis should echo in the halls of congress. Instead the House of Represetatives today led by a Catholic, passed a bill, to make it more difficult to take in refugees.

So who is the leader we profess to follow?  Is he Christ the King whose feast we celebrate today and who claims our loyalty?

He is the Christ with open arms for the least of our brothers and sisters, while we who profess to follow him, close our arms and our hearts.

The Poisoned Well 

It is a fact too easily forgotten, or conveniently ignored, that the poisoned well that spreads hate around the world to too many mosques, belongs to our "oil friends," the Saudis!

Yes we tolerate their poisoned well of hatred because we covet their other wells. The majority of hijackers who created 9/11 were Saudis!

They were not from Syria.

"Wabbilism" is the fundamentalist dogma that drives the terrorists and it comes from Saui Arabia!

Evil masks as good, and the terrorists declare "God is good!"

Pope Fracis identifies this as blasphemy.

Yes we need to be delivered from such evil, but their evil should not blind us to our own.

To close our minds, our hearts our borders to the suffering dregs of humanity is also evil.

And so we pray:

Jesus, Christ the King,

Our leader with open ars, our leader with a pierced heart,

Open our minds, open our hearts

to compassion and welcome

for the least of or brothers and sisters

Deliver us from evil,

and deliver us from fear.

"For Thine is the Kingdom,

and the power and the glory,

forever and ever.
