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Perhaps not since World War II have we witnessed such a time of tumult and roiling terror.

ISIS like some monster stirring from the deep is a reminder that Satan is alive in our world and did not die with Nazi,Japanese, and Communist attrocities.

We are in dire need of a Season of Hope.

A Season of Anticipation.

A Season of Yearning:

The Blessed Season of Advent.

And so we pray in the Introit of today's Mass:

"To you I lift up my soul, O my God.

To you I have trusted.

Let me ot be put to shame.

Nor let my enemies exult over me.

And let none who hope in you be put to shame."

 We live in The Shadow of Terror, the name of a book I published in 2011.

The Shadow still lingers and so this reflection from that book:

"Fear is like the nervous actor who always wants the lead role.

Never give fear the major role.

Never give fear more power than it deserves.

Let fear have a minor role, some lines, but not all.

Give fear lines of caution, but not panic.

Lines of deliberation, but not inaction.

Lines of prudence, but not cowardice,

Lines of discernent, but not foolhardiness.

In your own human drama of life,  

Fear deserves no more than a bit part.

Give faith, hope and love:

the leading role. 

And so we pray:

Grant your faithful, Almighty God:

the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ

with righteous deeds at his coming,

so that gathered at his right hand, they may be worthy to possess the heavenly