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Whoever gives a cup of cold water to these little ones...

The Scriptures today are about hospitality. In the first reading the prophet

promises a son to his hostess because of her great hospiitality.

In the Gospel, Jesus promises a reward to whoever gives a cup of cold water to the little ones.

2 examples in our time of hospitality and inhospitality:

Father Flanagan the founder of Boy Town, is being considered for sainthood, as well he should be. Out on the plains of Nebraska he provided hospitality for the abandoned little ones. More than a cup of cold water, he created a home where they could grow into responsible citizens.

Boys Town continues to thrive today.

When he is canonized, I can say: "I met a saint, for he sometimes came to my home parish when I was an altar boy.

Penultimate Inhosptality;


He decreed last week that in the case of the death of one gay partner, Catholic burial must be denied, unless there were prior repentence.

Caholic burial ought to be a right conferred on all of us by our baptism, for as Paul declares in the 2nd Reading today:

"We are buried with Christ in Baptism."

 And no bishop should be so hard hearted and non pastoral to try and penalize the defenceless dead.

Perhaps this bishop expected to be named Archbishop of Chicago, and is now sulking in his tent.

Pope Francis instead named a pastoral bishop: Blaise Cupich, who is now a cardinal.

Cardinal Cupich walks in the footsteps of the Pastor in Rome. Bishop Paprocki does not.

Ad so we pray:

Deliver us from hardheartedness.

Give us pastors who shepherd.

Open the gates of compassion,

for as our Chief Shepherd proclaims:

"Who am I to judge?