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Even in Arizona, we notice Autumn.

The summer heat has surrendered at last. and we do have some trees and bushes that have put on their splendid fall colors. And just when they are arrayed so splendidly, comes the time for them to let go. Their gold and scarlet leaves fkutter down to the earth. The North wind demands their capitulation.

Today's Gospel is about letting go, of pretence, of over reaching ambition, of hubris.Like the barren trees, we come into this world naked, abd we shall leave it naked. This is a lesson James and John have yet to learn. They want to be number one, and the other apostles are indignant. Probably because hey want to be number one too!

Jesus reminds them" "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve."

Autumn is the season of letting go.

We need to learn the timeless lesson that Nature provides.

And that the Gospel inspires.

And so we pray:

O God, we strive.

We compete.

We garb ourselves 

in costumes,

with shiny buttons,

and purple sashes.

We deceive ourselves into thinking:

We ARE the uniforms we wear.

Like the Autumn leaves,

we need to come down to earth.


Sic transit gloria mundi!

We are here to serve, not to be served.

