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"The Best Of Times...The Worst Of Times"

"Hope does not thrive on the sunniest days, but rather during the darkest of nights."

Amid he darkness of our pandemic night our scientists have worked tireslessly and successfuly to develop an effective vaccine which is a beacon of hope shining in our darkness.

In the debris and the chaos of our pillaged capitol, real patriots like Liz Cheney, Republican of Wyoming, and Mitt Romney Republican of Utah, have bravely stood up for our Constitution in the face of Trumpism running amok.

It is yet to be proved, and we shall eventually find out whether two of our Arizona Representatives, Biggs and Gosar were actually among the plotters of the insurection.

We need two healthy political parties in this nation. Leaders like Cheney and Romney are attempting to rid their party of a demented President backed by a hard corps of sycophants.

Surely this impeached president is not representative of all who voted for him expecting better days, people of good will that we all know.

But he has been the great imposter, deceiver, and con man whose charismatic persona has masked his inner racism, bigotry, narcicissim, and meglomania.

These are momentous days in our history.

Days deserving of deep thought and fervant prayer.

We need prayers of healing.

Yes, we should pray for some sort of enlightment and awakening of our current President to reality, which at present he fervantly denies.

And on January 20, we need prayers of protection for our new President and Vice Pesident.

When the rioters last week erected a gallows and shouted :"Hang Mike Pence!" perhaps that was the moment the daughter of a former Vice President fully realized that she had to take a stand against the Trumpism that inspired these treasonous chants.

We will never have a perfect president although the current one proclaimed "he was the best ever since Lincoln"...and knew "more than all the generals!"

Joseph Biden will not proclaim himself "perfect," He himself has been tested by the crucible of pain, suffering and bereavement. He knows what it is like to be apparently "down and out," something the current occupant of the White House is about to experience now for the first time in his hitherto comfortable life.

"Hope does not flourish on the sunniest days, but rather on the darkest of nights."

The Britiish proclaim : "God save the Queen!"

Our proclamatiom and our Prayer should be:

"God bless and help us preserve our Democracy."