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"Love is a many splendored thing!"

Happy Mothers Day!

We now know that trees communicate with each other/

Is this s "primal form of love?"

All around our property quail are nesting as are other birds. We are surrounded by images of maternal love which is a special kind of love.

Usually it is a protective and nurturing kind of love. When it is lacking the infant shrivels and dies.

"just to be is a blessing!" writes Rabbi Heschel.

If we ARE, then a mother's generosity is the primal cause of our existence.

A mother's love is a ptimal love, but love is also a many splendoed thing. Like the tree is has many branches.

Romantic Love is idealized. 90% of all songs sing of it, yet is it the deepest. and dearest kind of love? Pat Tillman experienced it and yet went to Afghanistan to die for love of country.

And Jsus went to the cross.

"Love one another, as I have loved you!'

That is a life long task, not accomplished in a day or a year.

Maybe the kind of joy we experience is some measure of it.

"I have told you this so that my joy will be in you."

Cheap Love is  easy. It surely is easy to live in a culture that nourishes separation, emnity and lies about our neighbor. It is easier then to feel love for OUR KIND OF PEOPLE.

Willing love means we forgive our enemies, and love other kinds of people and at present we live in a culture that nourishes emnity, discord, and lies about reality and the OTHERS.

"Love one another,as I have loved you!"

Not cheap love, but very costly many times.Â