
Feast of Holy Trinity, June 15, 2014

Educational TV RECENTLY AIRED A PROGRAM WHICH I highly recommend.

It will probably be aired again.

It's title: "HAPPINESS."

There was a lot of information on it but some of it came from a researcher
traveling to 12 different countries.

The country where he found the most unhappiness was Japan,
where too many people are dying from stress and overwork.

And the happiest country?  Denmark!


For the YOUNG there every child is assured of a free education through college.

And for the ELDERLY, great efforts are made to ensure that they have the opportunity to live in interactive communities with people of all ages.

They found the elderly who did this to be quite happy as a rule.

The key word here is COMMUNITY.

I CAN PERSONALLY testify to the validity of this since I enjoy a diverse interactive community myself.

So why do I mention this on the Sunday when we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity?

For this reason:

What we learn from Revelation and this feast is that our God IS A COMMUNITY.

That's right, God is a community that we call Holy Trinity.

God is not solitary. 

Nor is any community solitary. It is more than one and is always interactive and dynamic.

So the God we worship is a dynamic community: the Holy Spirit is the dynamic Spirit of love that flows between the Father and the Son.

This insight is also pertinent on this Sunday when we celebrate Father's Day and honor good fathers, both living and dead.

When one man and one woman come together and produce a child they create a community.

And in some real way, their unity is God-Like for their threesome mirrors our creator--the Holy Trinity!

How awesome!

How God like!

We also know that in our time too many fathers are absent, sometimes through no fault of their own....think of the many killed in wars.

It is a fact of our time that 49% of children born today are born of unmarried-parents! and often single mothers must struggle to raise a child alone.

May God bless them and help them in that difficult struggle.

But these figures make it all the more pertinent to honor faithful dads who strive to make their families mirror the Holy Trinity. God bless you all.

Mary Fairchild has written a lovely little poem about her own Father which I would like to share:

I begin my every prayer

But the man I see, 

While on blended knee,

Is always my earthly dad.

He is the image 

Of the Father divine,

Reflecting the nature of God.

For his love and care,

And the faith we shared

Pointed me to the Father above.

I can testify to the truth of her poem.

For the first experience I had of prayer and the seminal reason I am here today leading you in prayer is because at age three I saw my father kneeling on the floor saying his night prayers.

And I asked my mom, "What is he doing?"

And she responded, "Why he is praying."

And so today we also honor our deceased good fathers who have gone before us to experience the dynamic love of the Holy Trinity.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.