
29th Sunday In Ordinary Time, Oct. 19, 2014

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God what belongs to God..."
Today's Gospel


As we approach November' election, the words of Jesus reminds us
we have responsibilities to government as well as religious duties.

This is especially true in a democracy where we have a right denied to many in our world -
the right to vote and to choose our government.

The current events in Hong Kong shows the anguish when such voting rights are denied.

In the USA, Grover Norquist has a great deal of influence.
He sees government as an evil: "Drown it," he proclaims.
And he urges politicians to sign his pledge "to never, under any circumstances, raise taxes."

So, if God forbid, the Ebola disease should ravage America, such politicians would never vote additional funds raised by additional taxes to eradicate it. This is folly.


CONGRESSMEN in the House of Representatives represent you and me.
And if due to apathy or aversion to politics, we fail to vote, we get who we deserve,
inept representation and a grid locked do nothing congress.

The Gospel acclamation today enjoins us to "shine like lights in our world."

We cannot do this if we shirk our civic responsibilities.

Yes, the political ads are dirty and misleading.
All the more reason to seek the truth and vote accordingly.

Even Jesus who proclaimed another Kingdom, performed his civic duties, as we see in today's Gospel.

"Render to Caesar, the things that are Caesar's."