
Something NEW is happening in the Catholic Church!

The new year is a time for new vitality. And the Feast of Epiphany is all about a journey seeking the light that the wise men discover at the crib.

"Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem, your light hs come!" IS 60:1

And Pope Francis like the wise men is leading the Church toward the Christ light and enjoining us not to be detoured by excessive legalism and pessimism. He even warned the Curia about having "spiritual altzheimers."

The  Wise Men of Epiphany set out boldly in a new direction led by a star. They would not be deterred, nor detoured by the wicked Herod, nor any bumps along the way.Neither will Francis.

"There is a shift in clerical culture from one of clarity, ideas and  logic to one of induction and REAL LIFE as the foundation for theolpgocal reflection and pastoral practice--" and this causes discomfort for some of the elite, self satisfied, higher up clergy, but joy for the poor and marginalized.

Gerard O'Connell, Vatican Dispatch

Francis calls the Church to be "humble, welcoming, open, nonjudgmental and merciful...and to promote a culture of encounter and inclusion rather than one of encounter and exclusion."

Here is how Pope Francis expains it:

"A small step in the midst of great human limitations can be more pleasing to God than a life which appears outwardly in order but moves through the day without confronting great difficulty

Everyone needs to be touched by the comfort and attraction of God's saving love which is mysteriously at work in each person, beypnd their faults and failings." Pope Francis

For the Pope Grace is everywhere!

So in this New Year, "May the Grace and peace of God our Father, the love of Jesus Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit be with you!"