
I no longer call yu slaves...I have called you friends...

Jesus calls us friends and he still reaches out to us through our friends from daily life. Praise God!

The doctor tells me I have been seriously ill from a staph infection that came upon me lke a sudden summer thunder storm.

I am better but eed to recoup.

In the meantime I have been sustained by friends Maddie, Shirley, and Marilyn and Buddy who have taken the place of family of which I have none present here.

I am grateful.

Friends are invaluable treasures in our lives. And friendship is a pearl of great price,

Of friendship, the theologian Thomas Acquinas wrote:

"There is nothing on earth more prized than true friendship."

So in the Gospel today when Jesus tells us how he wants to relate to us he chooses friendship as the bond he shares with us.

He chooses us.

And that is the way with friendship. It is a gift not earned.

As I sit at my computer I look northwooaed and I have both new neighbors who I never see. I left both a note of welcome and never any response. How barren the north view. It is the proverbial shady side of the street.

But as I look south, three homes of welcome. It is the sunny side of my street and it warms my heart. Friends are chosen or not.

But when they are the reward is joy.

"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete."

Perhaps the first learning of friendship comes from a mother's milk freely given.

We did not have to be. Our mother chose that we would be.

So today, Praiae God for being chosen, and not aborted. All that is good in our lives came from her loving "yes!" to our life.

And praise God that we have friends who  choose to love us. Friendship is a gift not earned.

And so we pray:

O God your Son Jesus has chosen me for friendship.

My cup overflows with gratitide for a mother's love,

and with gratitude for friends.

Peaise God for precious gifts.






Maddie, Marilyn, and Shirley have stepped in and given me the hall the help I have so badly needed. and I have been borned up on a sea of prayer. I am grateful/