
14th Sundy, Ordinary, July 3, 2016

"I send you as lambs among wolves..."

Recently too often the wolves have been among the disciples and the lambs: victimized children,

I just watched the movie: Spotlight.

87 cases in Boton revealed by the Boston globe of abusive coverups by then its Cardinal:Law.

This corruption has caused many to leave the Church.

I know of a lady from a staunch Catholic family being buried tomorrow without a Catholic liturgy.

Lord have mercy!

JULY 4, 2016

I just finished reading the life of Alexander Hamilton, by Chertoff, which I recommend. Hamilton was one of the unlikliest of our founding Fathers, and yet a giant among them: an OUTSIDER, of illegitimate birth from the West Indies.

There could be another Hamilton among the refugees Trump wants expelled from the USA!

On this 4th of July, we can give thanks for our imigrant ancestors who made this country great.

And so we pray:

God bless America,

land that we love.

Stnd beside her,

and guide her,

through the night

with the light from above.


# I am enroute to Omaha to preside at the funeral of  + Sherry Pecha, who I instructed in the faith in 1960 when she was a high school girl at South High.

She has waged a heroic 7 year battle with pancreatic cancer.

May she rest in peace.