Good Friday, Holy Thursday, Saturday, Easter Vigil - One Triduum

Written by Fr. Fitz Wednesday, 12 April 2017 11:55


Good Friday, Holy Thursday, Saturday, Easter Vigil are one Triduum:
Celebrating the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.


The Butterfly is a fitting Easter symbol. 

It goes into its cocoon and emerges again a renewed creature
just as Jesus emerged Easter morn from the cocoon of his tomb,
there to be greeted by the ever loyal Mary of Magdala.

In my book, "100 Cranes," I put this reflection about the Journey of the Monarch Butterfly:

"Who could ever imagine a worm turning into a butterfly?
And then embarking on an Odyssey?
Does the divine imagination permeate every cell of our reality?"

And surely it took a divine imagination to envision Jesus breaking the bonds of death itself!

And what of our human odyssey?

As the Monarch's journey continues northward, new butterflies are hatched along the route.
As a result, they will eventually return to a place they have never been!

Shall it be so for us that eventually we too shall return to a place we have never been?
That indeed is our Easter Hope!

And so we pray:
The Prayer of the Emerging Self

Marvelous Creator of the Butterfly,
Set loose in me the energy of new creation.
Move me out of self, out of self, out of self,
Into chrysalis and beyond.

Seed my imagination.
Lift up my wings.
Drawn by unknown scents and different destinies,
Let me rise, rise, rise
Out of the depths of Crysalis crisis,
Even out of death in all its forms
