
The Seasons, they are a changing

This morning 47 degrees even in Arizona. Our liturgical season interacts with our earthy calendar.The Gospel is about end times, and so too 2018 approaches its end.

November is also the month dedicated to our beloved dead, and harvest time as darkness begins to overtake the sun.

The Scripture is apocrythal, a genre that emphasises endings.

And as we age the times keep accelaratng,

A Henri Amiel writes, "We have too little time to gladden the hearts of thse who travel the way with us."

November is a special time to take stock, to appreciae fully the harvest that is filled with friends, loved ones, and neighbors.

When we do take time to count our blessings, we can realize we are rich beyond measure.

But time is passsing, and as Amiel also writes:

"Make haste to be kind."

And so we pray:

As the autumn leaves fall,

and the branches become bare,

help me to be aware

of the richness ofmy harvest.

And to remember all the souls

of the faithful departed.

May they rest in peace.
