
I pray always with joy in my heart!

We have laid George Bush to rest.

He is surely symbiolic of an age that has passed.

Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor's "day of Infamy" is now a faint memory.

Following that tragic event George Bush enlisted and became the youngest Navy pilot.

And then he was shot down.

Thus he began to follow a path of honor.

Today's Scriptire is about making paths straght.

Certainly in the 40's the paths of nations were not straight.

Nazism was a crooked, jagged line.

Communism was also a devious path.

And today Nazism seems to be rearing it's ugly head again.

We are again in need of honorable men and women who want to make a straight path for the Lord through and beyond the crooked detours that lead to hate and dishonor.

And so we pray with Saint Paul in the Second Reading:

"And this is my prayer,

that your love may increase even rmore

and more in knowledge

and every kid of perception,

to discern what is of value,

so that you may be pure and blameless

for the Day of Christ."
