
The beam in your eye!

Modern psychologists have identified as "projection" what Jesus recognises from human experience as blaming someone else for one's own unacknowledged faults and failings.

And it happens all the time.

The Iranians call us "The Great Satan" and we in turn identify them as "satanic."

We all possess an unacknowledged "shadow" which we then project out from our own hidden personnas.

Ask your self "What really bugs you a lot in OTHER people?"

Well that very thing may be the hidden, unacknowleged "bug" in YOUR OWN PERSONALITY!

And so we pray:

Deliver me from false pretences.

Cure the blindness

that obsures my own failngs.

Deliver me from the blame game.

Jesus meek and humble of heart,

make my heart lie unto thine.
