


The Primal Waters:

At  Winter's sunset:

they charge, bursting,

fuming, party crashing, not to be denied.

blirzing, breakig through,

drowning and death dealing!


But on Spring's Holy Night,

full moon glowing,

primal waters, silver shining, still recall

Hebrews dancing through,

long ago, but ever new!


Lively waters, the graceful Sea,

parting, rippling,breaking, beckons:

Whales spouting, Dolphins prancing,

Catechumens !

Join with us in dancing!

Beyond Easter...WJF

What  does Easter have to do with Baptism? Everything! At the Easter Vigil the great fertility ritual: It images Christ impregnating the font as The Great Paschal Candle is immersed.

If we are to rise with Christ, we too must die while being immersed in the waters of baptism, and coming out to new life.

"Know you not that you have died with Christ in Baptism that you might rise to New Life?"

And so we pray:

We reject Satan, th Father of lies!

We reject the glamour of evil.

We believe in New Life,

and breaking the shackles

of all that entombs us.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!alt