

Easter is always resplendent with ladies dressed in new Easter finery. This is a spin off from the newly baptized Catechumens being garbed in new white robes.

Easter is about all of us being made anew. In the Easter story beyond Christ Himself, no one is made more anew than Simon Peter.

This happens because of the influence of the Holy Spirit. In the Easter story, Peter runs TOWARD the empty tomb, On Good Friday Peter denies even knowing Jesus and runs AWAY. In the midst of Easter Peter runs TOWARD the empty tomb and in another acount leaps into th water to wade toward the Risen Lord.

On this Second Sunday Jesus breathes upon the apostles and imparts the Holy Spirit, and offers them the gift of peace.

So we too, full of Easter joy, can reverse our direction, as Peter did, and run towards the Lord and His mercy!

And so we pray:

Come Holy Spirit,

Guide us in the right direction:


toward mercy,

toward peace.
