

Come Holy Spirit!

From depths of tears and chaos,

Holy Spirit, sieze us!

raise us from the murky depths--

of our swirling and choking waters.

Emerge from the cyclonic center

of our inner chaos.

Deliver us in the eye of the storm,

Energy of the Spirit,

move us.

I pray for myself, and those I love.

who linger in chaos,

Consoling Spirit, hover near cold tombs.

Fire of the Spirit, warm us.

When we are bogged down,

and tomorrow seems a dark dream,

Spirit Wind, rattle our windows.

Lightning Spirit, awaken us.

Stir us from inertia..

fear and cynicism.

Change us from: "Life is not fair:"

to "We can! We will!"

from Conteemp. North American Prayerbook, WJF 

June 6, Nomandy Invasion

Jesus prayed "that all would be one." Not only did D Day begin the defeat of the Nazis, it brought the fractured and warrin g nations of Europe together in the EUROPEAN UNION!