
Make straight the way of the Lord!

The Color Purple!

The din of cash registers, the avalanche of ads surrounds us. All the more reason to heed the call of the Wild Man in the Desert.

He is the original counter cultural figure.

In modern parlance he is the Advance Man for Jesus.

"The Advent Man" is John the Baptist.

The Advent color is purple.

The Advent poet is Isaiah.

The Advent theme is HOPE

"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord!"

But not yet!

That is still to be hoped for.

Advent is a special time in the midst of din and clutter to hope for better days.

"I was raised a Catholic. and we were taught to hate nobody. Don't mess with me by using the word HATE in your question."

Way to go Nancy!

Yet...How many families are torn apart by dissension  and frivolous slights.?

Yes! the leopard shall lie down with the lamb...

But not yet!

Saint Paul encourages us with these Advent words:..."by endurance and by the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope. May the God of endurance  and encouragement grant you to think in harmony with one another..."

And so we pray:

"O people of Sion,

The Lord will come

to save the nations

and the Lord will make the glory of his voice

heard in the joy of your heart.
