
What was the greatest challenge for the Post Easter Christians?

Their challenge, and ours?

Perhaps it was and still is:Hope.

On the Road to Emmaus the dsciples announced, "We had hoped!"

And today's Gospel, most of the disciples still believed. Only Thomas is skeptical, but the rest huddled in fear, lacking Hope.

Still today in the midst of this Virus, we need to hope for better days

"Hope comes alive when we are not sure,

When we encounter doubts and fears,

It is then that we need Hope.

And she ccomes always valiant,

to walk by our side.

Hope does not flourish

on the brightest days,

but hope comes alive

on the darkest of nights."

from: Living In The Shaowof Terror

Ad so on Mercy Sunday, we pray:

May Hope flourish in our day and:

for all the victims of the Virus, God have mercy.

for all the health care workers, God hae mercy,

For all th unemployed, God have mercy.

for all of us seperated, God have mercy.

for the homeless and disr refugees, God have mercy.

Deliver us from evil.

And enliven our hopes for better days.
