
Be not afraid!

One of the most often repeated refrains in the Gospel is "Be not afraid."

Today Jesus repeats this.

There are two opposite poles:

Cowerig in terror................................and total fearlesess.

Probably most of us are in the middle somewhee.

Consider masks. Some people apparently think them to be a sign of fear or weakness and thus refuse to wear them.

They totally disregard the harm they may do to others and ultimately to themselves.

These indeed are fearful times, but what we ought to aim for is the middle which is caution that is the middle betwen terror and recklessness.

Today's Gospel is very consling. Are you not worth more than any flock of sparrows?

And the Introit reminds us:

"The Lord is the strength of his people,

a saving refuge for those He has anointed."

And so we pray:

Walk with us through the dark valleys

and restless nights.

The Virus is to our left,

and to our right.

Help us to find the Middle Way.

between terror and recklessness.

Good Shepherd,

be our Guide.
