13 Sunday, Ordinary. June 28,2020

Written by Fr. Fitz Friday, 26 June 2020 10:25



The First Reading today is a charming story of a woman MAKING A ROOM FOR THE TRAVELING PROPHET.,

Hospitality, Hospital, Hospice, Hotel are all words describing hospitality, or "making room."

In this pandemic, we "make room" for one another by social distancing keeping six feet apart.

But critics  claim firtst amndment rights and any restraints violation

 of their freedom..

Chesterton once wrote that no one is free to shout "fire!" in a crowded theatre if there is no fire.

We actually had a city councilman leading a "No masks to restrain MY freedom" rally in our local park, even though Maricopa County has decreed the wearing of masks.

When we have leaders that are narcissists

they model narcissism for the rest of us.

Thus everything is about ME.

The rest of us do not count.

Yet this is the direct opposite of what Scripture demands of us:

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

 And so we pray:

May we make room for our sick

whether in our hospitals, or in hospice.

deliver us from narcissism over

to hos[italty and care.

God have mercy on the selfishness we

find in our society.
