
I give you a new commandmet says the Lord, love one aanother as I have loved you. JN 13:21

Gospel Acclamation For This Sunday

This is a time like no other, as the West coast burns and srorms lash the East, these are unsettled times, like no other.

As the election approaches I feel obliged to suggest why re-electing Donald Trump violates a Christian conscience. I will give ten major reasons and elaborate on them week by week:

1. LIES: Donald Trump's lies are relentless. Not since Rasputin or Josef Goebbels have we seen such a continious pattern of lying. Some have been keeping track of his relentless lying, and at last count it comes to

19,127 Misleading Statements or outright LIES.

And as it worked for Josef Goebbels, it seems to work for Trump.

The German people were not ignorant prople, but relentless lies from Goebbels made them swallow Hitler. Goebbel's family was Roman Catholic!

Tell a lie often enough and it becomes an accepted truth.

The latest big lie is his continious lies about the Corona Virus. People have died because they trusted his lies.

Now, he claims he did not want to create panic. It is like a person watching his own  house burn down and a neighbor asking: "Aren't you going to call the fire department?"

"Oh no, I don't want to cause panic!"

Always keep in mind, the Biblical Father of All Lies is:


Week by week I will explore ten reasons why a Christian conscience must reject Trump:

1. Today: his LIES.

2, Trump the most influential Abortionist.

3.Trump and Sexual Assault.

4. The Criminals surrounding and supporting Trump.

5. Racial Bigotry

6. Fraud and Dishonesty.

7. Health Care: Trying to Destroy The Affordable Care Act with NO PLAN TO TAKE ITS PLACE.

8. Trump's Didsdain for Government, especially the Military.

9. Trump's Disdain, for the poor, the disadvantaged, disabled, and the refugee.

10. Trump's Meglomania and Empty Empathy.

May God deliver us.