
An Appeal To Conscience:

From the depths of tears and chaos,

Holy Spirit sieze us.

Raise us from the murky depths

out of swirling and chokig waters.

Article 1: Trump Relentless liar: over 19,000 mistatements and lies.

Second in a series: The Earth is the primary womb of all LIFE


Earth/Dirt +Rain+Sun+Seed+Harvest = Nourishment for all Babies and ciivilization.

TO Poison/Ravage The Earth Womb = ABORTION

On a Worldwide Scale.

Climate Change is aborting the life in the Primal Earth Womb.

Fact: Pope Francis accepts the reality of Climate change.

"Civilization requires energy , but energy use must not destroy civilization." Pope Francis to: Oil Executives

"Climate Change is a global problem with grave implications represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity."

Pope Francis: Laudato si Encylical

Fact: 97% of Published Scientists proclaim Climate Change as real and happening.

Fact: California, Oregon, Washigton are burning. Fact Southwest hottest summer ever. Iowa crops devestated by abnormal wind surge. Southeast wave after wave of storms


The leader of the most influential nation in the world from his bully pulpit denies science and denies climate change while all the major nations accept its reality through the Paris Climate accords.

He also spreads misinformation about the Corona Virus, putting lives in jeopardy.

Donald Trump in a very basic sense is NOT Pro Life.


How? 10 Reasons: 1. Withdrew USA from Paris Climate Agreement, 2. Further limited peer reviewed science for environmental and health concerns. 3. Has promoted fossil fuel dwilling on public lands and off shore Califirnia and Florida. 4. Weakened the Environmental Protection Act, one of the nation's bedrock  conservation laws, limiting public review of freeways, power plants, and pipelines. 5. He has rolled back highly popular clean car standards. His action will add over a billion tons of carbon pollution over vehicles lifetimes. 6. He has relaxed requirements that companies monitor and repair methane leaks at oil and gas facilities. 7.Undermined mercury and air toxic limits that would hae helped prevent 11,000 deaths per year. 8. Has slashed budgets and staffs at agencies  including the Environmental Protection agency  and the National Park Service. 9. He has removed clean water protections from thousands of small or seasonal waterways, and nearly half of America's wetlands. 10. He has weakened the Endangered Species Act.

The Church's Liturgy remind us all we come from dirt!

Ash Wenesday: "Remember that you are dirt!" Offertory" "we have this bread to offer which earth has given...

Mary was Assumed into heaven but her BODY came from dirt as do all humans. Jesus in her womb depended on unpoisoned milk.

To abort the Earth womb is abortion on a world wide scale.

*What about the abortion of individual babies. Of course I accept the Church's teaching, but I also believe there is NO political solution to that problem, only a persuasion solution. The Supreme Court is alteady packed with Catholics. As long as the vast majority of women in our secular state are against criminalizing abortion, I do not belueve any president nor court will do so.