
Sackcloth and Ashes

In the time of Jonah in the First Readng, the people repented in sackcloth and ashes.

In our era of Pandemic, the people need to repent by mask wearing.

Yesterday's events gave a good example of that.

The recent events of the riot and rebellion were replaced by a peaceful inaguration, praise God!

The Confederate flag which was flaunted in the capitol's halls was replaced by Old Glory.

Was this the last gasp of white supremecy? Probably not. Bit it may have been the zenith of its rise.

We have now experenced a mixed race president, and now have a mixed race Vice Pesident. And our chidren and their's MAY issue in a more tolerant nation. It is long overdue.

Way back in 1963, Thomas Merton wrote:

"Unless this nation comes to grips with racism, the survival of America itself is in question."

Was the rebellion a "last gasp" of this poisonous air?

We need to go forward, praying that it was.

There is a new breeze blowing. May it push away the gagging, polluted air of both extremism, and racism, as well as of the Corona Virus.

And so we pray:

God bless and protect our new President and Vice President.

give them the wisdom to listen,

and the courage to act for the common good,

not for special interests.

Come Holy Spirit,

Stir us from inertia,

fear and cynicism.

Change us from "Ain't it awul!"

to "We can. We will."
