
"Come Holy Spirit, come! And from your celestial home, shed a ray of light divine."

The Holy Spirit sheds a light divine which isTRUTH..

The Holy Spirit enlightens.

There is another spirit which weaves a web of lies.

This spirit is sometimes called the Anti Christ who will enthrall the masses before the Second Coming of Christ.

Martin Luther thought the popeof his time was the anti Christ.

What about today? Might he be Rupert Murdoch the media titian who like a puppet master pulls the strings of Fox News and deceives millions?

67%of Republicans polled believe that Donald Trump won the last election!

This is a mass delusion!

Or might the Anti Christ be Donald Trump who enthralls millions with his blatant lies.

Scripture identifies Satan as "The Father of all lies."

We live in a cuture of "alternate facts" and blatant lying.

This is exceedingly dangerous for our very democracy.

Democracy depends on a well informed citizenery.

Instead we have a misinformed electorate that often swallows the crazy illusions of QAnon.

Where then is the truth to be found?

Probably on the least watched network, PBS.

Our very democracy is endangered. It is time for thougtful people to sound the alarm.

And so on this Pentecost, we pray"

Come Holy Spirit come.

And from your celestial home,

Shed a ray of light divine."