

“Brothers and Sisters, I never boast except in the cross of Jesus Christ.” Gal. 6:14, 2nd Reading

“Go! On your way…” Today’s Gospel

This weekend I buried my lifelong friend Jerry Burbach (Pictured below at my June 2012 Montana Retreat),

who was for 14 years a fruitful priest in Omaha, and for many years a successful businessman in Phoenix.


“Go on your way!” said Jesus, and Jerry DID—all the way to Selma to march with Martin Luther King

and there Jerry spilled his blood for the sake of racial justice. At the end of every Mass when the priest said:


Jerry WENT. He went to serve at such places as:

A half way house for the disabled homeless, and often as a sponsor for AA.

For the last ten years, Jerry has slowly declined, carrying the heavy cross of Alzheimer’s.

“I never boast accept in the cross of Jesus Christ.” Gal. 6:14

Yet he never complained. He never grumbled, and he still managed to know us to the end.

The first part of his life was energetic action and service.

The last ten year, he has walked the Path of “Letting Go.”

Letting go can be grudging or gracious. His was gracious.

Almost to the end, every Monday he and I would drive

he doing errands for the Montessori School he and Marilyn fostered.

And along the way, he would utter blessings.

And these were his beatitudes:

“How blest I am to have such a wonderful wife and wonderful life!”

“How blest I am to have you as a friend for 63 years since that time in 1950 when we met at Conception Seminary!”

“How blest I am to have such wonderful sons and their lovely wives and the wonderful grandchildren!”

“How blest we are to be in Arizona and enjoy this beautiful day!”

Blessed Be! Blessed Be! Blessed Be!....the Blessing Path of an Attitude of Gratitude!

Saturday night, after I just returned from Omaha, I gave Jerry the holy card from his dear friend

Monsignor Charles Brodersen, just deceased.

Jerry read the prayer inscribed on it, the Prayer of Saint Francis.

The next morning, he quietly slept into the sleep of peace.

May Saint Francis who received his night prayer greet him now.

And may Saint Benedict, he patron of his youth at Conception Abbey—

and whose motto: “Receive each guest as Christ.”

a motto Jerry and Marilyn lived out for me and so many others—

lead Jerry to a Banquet Hall of great joy and hospitality.

Breakfast Question: Is my path gracious or grudging?

Personal Reflection: What are my Beatitudes?