

if Jesus were to tell this parable in today's terms, it might go this way:

"An undocumented immigrant was going down the road-"

(They are hated like the Samaritans were in the time of Jesus.)

An Anglo white guy, victim of a hit and run lies there.

A Tea Party activist passes by and says, "he looks poor, let him raise himself up by his own bootstraps!"

A Catholic pro-life activist passes by: "I am too busy. I am on my way to a Pro-life Rally.""

So the immigrant picks up the white guy and takes him to the emergency ward.

Well something like that happened in our Tea Party dominated House of Representatives: they removed Food stamps for the hungry poor from the Farm Bill but kept all kinds of subsidies for large corporate farm companies which amounts to corporate welfare. They will get around to food stamps later when they can really slash them . After all, the hungry poor, many of whom are children, "they can lift themselves up by their own bootstraps!" And so the hungry poor are left by the roadside, the victims of a "hit and run" by A speeding Tea Party bus.

in the meantime Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire Father of Tea Partism is leaving his third wife by the roadside.

Breakfast Question: Good food? What have I done lately for the hungry poor?

Personal Reflection: What have I told my congressman lately?

Who am I in the modern Good Samaritan story?