
I recently watched the conclusion of Downton Abbey. I’m The end, the Family SERVED THE NEEDS of the ever faithful Butler. Jesus tells us the mark of a faithful Christian is SERVICE. WE OFTEN HAVE TO KNEEL DOWN TO GIVE IT...GET OFF OUR HIGH PERCH. WJETHER IT IS ME KNEELING TO FEED Buddy, or a nurse bending over a sick patience. Service gets us off our high horses. It makes us realize we are all in this human drama together. The strong lift up the weak realizing that weakness eventually overtakes us all. Recently my Guardian Alarm went off by mistake. And there they were at both doors, the faithful firemen. Praise God for all those who serve us. We should never take them for granted and so we pray: God bless so many who serve our needs. Lift up their flagging spirits, Especially those who serve in these still difficult Covid days. Amen