
I write this in the Omaha air port terminal after three days here conducting the Wake for a life long friend Joanie Hautzinger, attending a second wake for another, and anointing two cousins and a friend. For Joanie the wake service can be viewed on the internet. It consists of the prayer: Lady of the Wake, the Scriptural Rosary, my homily, prayers, and lastly, my singing DANNY BOY,


By the tan box at bottom: a link

various windows: top of each the names of various services filmed: click on Joanie Hautzinger funeral.

Joanie a woman of prayer. Today in the Gospel, Jesus encourages us to persist. Prayer is an energy and the more we engage in it the stronger will be our spirits. As St. Paul admonishes not grow tired in doing good!

Breakfast Question: Am I patient with God?

Personal Reflection Am I patient with my own impatience.

Today' short message due to travel.