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The last will be first. The first will be last. MT 20:16

Wow! Can we possibly grasp this? Not easily, because it is God’s way, not ours. We are capitalists which is not all bad, but is not all good either.


We live by trade and monetary exchange. Everything is measured out.

But God is not a capitalist, not a communist either.

God’s generosity is beyond all our human categories.

And God’s vision far surpasses ours.

Isaiah in today’s first reading, sums it up this way:

“As high as the heavens are above the earth so high are my ways above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts.” IS 55:9

So the Gospel about getting paid confounds us.

But maybe we should not even be concerned about getting paid by God.

Could that be the lesson Jesus is trying to teach us?

Breakfast Question: What is Jesus teaching us today?

Personal Reflection: Does it bother you after you do a favor, to have someone say, “I’ll pay you back!”