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We are on the eve of momentous times:
The Feast of all the Saints,
All Souls when we remember our beloved dead,
And of course on Thursday the election.


And today we have Zacheaus, a little man in stature and a little man in the opinion of his detractors.

Both the first reading and the Gospel are about smallness.

"Before the Lord, the whole world indeed is as a grain of sand..."

In the grand scheme of things also our election is a small thing in God's eyes.

However, for us in this historical thin slice of human history, it looms large.

We are at a cross roads. Two entirely different paths loom before us.

There are no perfect candidates. There never have been.

What we need to pray for is that the people will vote in large numbers
and provide a clear mandate to the winner.

And so we pray:

Come Holy Spirit,
Brood over our land.
Inspire the electorate,
To fulfill their God given responsibilities
In this our democracy.

Send forth your Spirit,
So that we may be renewed,
And you can renew the face of the earth.