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You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor...

In ancient days, animal dung was salted so a to burn more easily in the hearth.

But we are more familiar with salt as a necessary seasoning for our food.

But what is "seasoning our culture" these days?

The flavor of the day is FEAR.

Fear of the refugee, fear of an entire religion, fear even of our neighbors.

And this fear is stoked at the highest levels of our government.

"You are the light of the world." says Jesus

But are we?

That shining light held in the hands of the Statue of Liberty grows dimmer and dimmer.

  The whole Judeo tradition is reversed.

Listen to the ancient Prophet Isaiah today:

"Shelter the homeless and the oppressed!"

This is our ancient heritage.

This week Pope Francis spoke out clearly and boldly against the fear and yes hate that is beginning to grip or land:

"No one who denies shelter to the refugee and the homeless, can claim the title "Christian."

And what if salt looses its flavor? " It is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under foot!" says Jesus.

Have we lost the flavor of welcoming the oppressed?

Has the light that we have shone upon imigrants been smothered by fear mongering, disdain, and hate?

Surely it is in danger.

A recent poll showed 48% of Americans in favor of restrictive imigration policies.

The light in the Statue of Liberty has dimmed.

The light is flickering.

"You are the light of the world!

Are we still?

 And so we pray:


you yourself were a refugee in a strange land.

Your parents fled in terror from a ruthless dictator.

Theysought refuge in Egypt.

Open our hearts o the plight of today's refugees.

Deliver us from condemnng an entire religious group.

Deliver us from escalating fear and hatred.

Deliver us from evil.
