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"Do not worry about tomorow Tomorow will take care of itself. "

Eckhart Tolle wrote a major book whose essential message is: The only reality is NOW.

How much time we spend worryimg about tomorrow or ruminating on the mistakes of the past when our only real opportunity to act is NOW.

"You cannot serve God and Mammon--Money." says Jesus.

Yet so much of our anxiety centers around money.

How much is enough?

In a society where the very rich get richer and the very poor get poorer:

Worry is inevitable.

The disparity gulf grows wide and wider.

What we should seek however is not so much worry, as it is social justice.

Who will gain and who will lose with the elimination of the Affordable Care Act?"

That is a question to which we should demand an answer.

The underlying theme of today's Gospel is that we should be grateful if we have enough, and not be lustful nor greedy for much so much more that we scheme and long for.

In the cullinary world Sugar beguiles our appetites. The more we consume the more we feel we crave or need.

Money is the sugar of the commercial world. It is all too easy to not be satisfied with enough but to yearn and scheme for more and more.

And so we pray:

May I be one with the lilies of the field,

and the birds of the air

who neither spin nor toil,

but are arrayed like Soloman

in all his glory.

Deliver me from greed

into gratitude.

Amen *

* Pleas me keep in prayer as I have knee surgeryon March 3.



yet are arrayed like Soloman

intheir splendor and glory.