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Come Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit is the Advocate, the Counselor,the Enabler.

The Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of Wisdom and truth.

This week marks the first anniversary of Pope Francis letter to the world Laudato Si, in which he identified climate changa as a major moral challenge of our age..

And the Pope is a scientist himself as well as a moral leader.

The world's most eminent scientisto are equally concerned.

In recognising climate change as a world issue he joins a 20,000 network of reputable scientists identified by EDF who share his concern.

This week, a man who reads no books, who gluts on cable news, who ignores climate change, who has the attention span of a gnat,  and who in the face of consensus by the world's major scientists labels climate change   a"hoax" wihdrew the USA from the Paris Climate accord.

Where does the truth lay?

 Where would the Spirit lead us?

Or where and how could we have allowed an ignoramus

to place a curse on our children and grand children?

For global warming is a curse upon future generations.

and so we pray:

Come Holy Spirit!

Awaken us from slumber.

Lead us to resist.

From depths of tears and chaos seize us.

Raise us up from the murky deep--

out of the swirling and choking waters of climate change.

Emerge from the cyclonic center

of our inner chaos.

Deiiver us from the eye of the storm.

Energy of the Spirit

rattle our windows.

Lightrning spirit wake us up.

Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful.

Enkindle in us the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit,

and we shall renew

the face of the earth.


italics: fraltom North American Prayer Book