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Strange language from Jesus, but at that time all Gentiles bore that nick name among Jews.

When Jesus said not right to feed an outsider like her because his present mission is to "feed only the lost sheep of Israel", she responded: "but even outsider/dogs receive the scraps from the table!"

He was speaking to her previously as any Jew would.

So he addressed her first as a Jew of his time.

But secondly he spoke to her as Son of God whose love extends to all races and nationalities.

He rewarded her because of her faith which transceds all nationalities ansd cultures.

Today, Neo-Nazis march on our streets. For them God only favors the white race, and disdains all others.

Their God is a God of hatred and vengence.

We need more than ever the injunction of the Our Father:


and so we pray:

Deliver us from the evil of racism.

Deliver us from the evil of arrogance.

Deliver us from the evil of contempt.

Deliver us from the evil of narcissism which blinds our President.

"THY Kingdom come.

THY will be done

on earth

as it is in heaven.
