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"Wherever two or three gather in my name...."

"Wherever two or three gather in my name:" there is Church!

And so often where two or three gather" there is a usually a meal.

Jesus had a "table ministry." He loved to go to parties, banquets, and meals.

Wheras John the Baptst was the ascetic living in the desert, Jesus was the town person being entertained even in the homes of "sinners."

Jesus was social. John was a hermit.

And so today's gospel is about bringing people together, even people who were at odds with one another.

Table fellowship demanded openess, compnionship, and friendliness. To break bread required open hands and hearts.

Emnity closed the gates on hospitality.

Soon a new season of TV will open. For my tastes most of it will be dross, with one major exception:


In my opinion is is the best written drama on TV.

And the most talented cast.

And it always ends with table fellowship and prayer.

The extended family, Grandpa, Tom Selleck, the current Police Comissioner and his two cop sons, his daughter, the assistant DA and their family gather for Sunday dinner. And there is intelligent conversation with the chldren included.

There is nothing else like it on TV.

And it is the most Catholic. Whenever they deal with the Church, their observations and interactons are accurate and persuasive.

God bless their new season!

And so we pray:

May the drama of our lives

be nurtured and consoled by the arts and drama.

May we find in it congruance and recognition,

enabling us to move throgh the difficult days of our lives with hope renewed.


"Blessed are they who mourn, they shall be comforted."

Thanks to so many who stood by me at the recent death of my sistter, Rosemany Fitzgerald Marthaler.
