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Wrath and anger are hateful things, yet the sinner hugs them tight...

"Wrath and anger...the sinner HUGS THEM TIGHT!  Sirach 27:30


There you have it.

Someone once asked me, "how can I not hate.....since they have wronged me and yet refuse any of my effors to reconcile?"

Good question. And today's first reading seems to give the answer.

Hang loose.

Do not HUG wrath.

But how to let go from hugging wrath?

By opening our praying heart to them.

As long as we can bring the estranged to our prayer, we are letting go of hugging anger and wrath.

And then cease to occupy our mind with them or their behaviour.

Often that is not easy to do.

But let go. Let it be. Move on.

Avoid obsessing. It is like a dog chasing its tail.

And so we pray:

Help me O God

to walk the path of letting go, and letting be.

It is he path to freedom.

Let me move away from hugging anger and wrath.

Let go. Let be.

Let God take care of what I cannot.
