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On Sept. 25, Father Dennis Hanneman and I left the ship Crystal Serenity and journeyed through the French Canadian countryside 30 miles to the Pilgrimage Site of the Basilica of St. Anne de Beaupre.

Such a journey is as old as Jesus treking through Samaria on the way to the holy city Jerusalem.

On pilgrimage, we "walk by faith, not by sight."

The church itself is in a splendid setting: within sight of the St. Lawrence Sea Way and framed by green hills with splashes of red, yellow, and orange autumn colored leaves.

Each life is a journey, a pilgrimage: with a beginning, a middle, and an ending, and in between many twists and turns.

And on our jouneys we encounter other pilgrims, some become life long friends, others we greet only fleetingly.

For me this was a bittersweet journey. For I was to be accompanied by my sister, Rosemary. She had laid out her dresses in August and was looking forward to the cruise journey which reached its ending at Saint Anne de Beaupre.

However the Lord called her suddenly in August to her final passage.

On her long life journey, I called her "the hunter-gatherer" for she gatherd friends around her by her smile, her encouraging words, her friendly spirit.

So instead of her being with me at St. Anne's Shrine I prayed for the repose of her soul there.

and I am reminded of the beautiful words"

"Life is all too short,

and we have too little time,

to gladden the hearts,

of those who travel the way with us."

Praise God, she gladdened hearts. May we be given the grace to do the same as we make our way along our life path.

In the detective stories about the private detectve Maisie Dobbs, this detective always likes to walk, as she reflects of the possible solutions to crimes she is investigating. "We reflect when we walk!" she says.

So true!

Pilgrims "walk by by faith"...... and always reflect on the journey.


This week we have the Feast of Saint Francis who traveled light upon this earth.

For 1000 years pilgrims have traveled through the Basque country on their way to St. James Compsteella, pilgrims a diverse as Shirley McClain and Saint Francis himself.

Movie: I recommend the movie: The Way starring Martin Sheen who finishes this pilgrimage his departed son started. You can find it on Netflicks.

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Finally in today's Gospel, Jesus confronts the hypocrasy of the elders.

One final reflection, no matter what you think of the siting, kneeling or standing football players of the NFL, ONE HYPOCRISY OF THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE'S owners NEEDS TO BE MENTIONED: THE FACT THAT THEY ACTUALLY BILL THE GOVERNMENT AND ARMED SERVICES FOR ANY PATRIOTIC DISPLAYS at their games!