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"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's.

"We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil. (the Nazi sogan)

We are the custodians of those ideals, at home and their champion abroad.

We have done great good in the world That leadership has had its costs, but we have become incomparably powerful and rich as we did. We have a moral obligation to continue in our just cause,and we would bring more than shame on ourselves if we don't. We will not thrive in a world where our leadership and ideals are absent. We would not derserve to.

We live in the land of imigrants' dreams. We live in a land of ideals, not blood and soil."

In the twilight of his years, these are the words spoken this week by Senator John McCain

Perhaps his most important speech of his long career.

On a Sunday where Jesus admonishes us to render Caesar his due and God his, these are appropriate words to ponder.

Caesar's ways are often not God's ways. This is verified by the bloody course of history. Sometimes we find that "the emperor has no clothes."

And in the worst of times, prophets arise who challenge Caesar.

McCain's words this week follow the prophetic tradition. They come from a man who bravely endured torture for the sake of both Caesar and the ideals of freedom.

But he also is brave enough to confront Caesar.

That is the stuff of which prophets are made!

And so we pray:

O God help us to see clearly

through the clouds of uncertainty.

Help us the hear the prophets' voices,

as they dare to challenge Caesar.

Give us wisdom in the midst of turmoil.
