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Whoever exalts himself, shall be humbled....


November is a somber month in which we remember our beloved dead.

What a consolation.

They shall never be forgotten.

The leaves are falling, and so are we.

And just as they leave bare branches,

Jesus admonishes us in today's Gospel, that we must

shed the clothes of pretence and face the stark truth:

We are passing through. Like the scribes and pharisees, we should not deceive ourselves by adopting their pretences. On our the way, we travel light.

We come into this world naked, and we shall leave naked,

And so the leaves fall one by one.

And when we look into our address books, the names become depleted.

And those who have departed from us?

What did they take with them?

Only love.

and they are on their way to the source of  Love.

And so we pray:

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.


Love shall be enough.
