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The first reading today personifies wisdom as feminine.
This is amazing coming from a male dominated old testament.

Last October I sailed out of New York city at 11 PM.
And there she was resplendent in the harbor with her torch held high.
It was a moving moment, as Louie Armstrong sang, ITS A WONDERFUL WORLD.

The Lady with her torch held high is certainly a symbol of wisdom for our times.
Jesus today in the gospel reminds us of the wise virgins who had oil for the lamps.

Lady liberty still has oil for her lamp
though there are too many today who would extinguish her flame.
For inscribed on her pedestal are the words
“send me the refuse of your foreign Shores.“

In today anti immigrant fever those words are not welcome.
Whereas Lady Liberty stands as a wise lady who would bring us together,
there are too many NO NOTHINGS who would tear us apart.
Wisdom is the opposite of stupidity, and bigotry.
It must be sought and prayed for.

And so we pray...
Lady of Good Counsel,
Enlighten our minds with the rays
From Lady Liberty and her torch.
May our land be bright with freedom’s light,
From sea to shining sea.