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A worthy wife...

The Gospel today discounts the man who buried his talent and the first reading praises a "worthy wife."

And this week's headlines reek wirh the stench of sexual abuse.

What of the women coming forth?

Are they worthy or are they t be scorned?

Not only are they worthy, but they are courageous.

At long last the lid is coming off of a long simmering secret.

Sexual abuse of women, of men, and of chidren is far more rampant than many had ever imagined.

And what of the perpetrators? Many of them are in high positions. Perhaps because of the towers upon which they dwelled, thay considered themselves above the law and immune to any accusations.

"Humpty Dumptys"

The connection between the first reading which exalts honorable women, and the Gospel of the buried talent is this: so many perpetrators have "buried their considerable talents" beneath the shame of abuse, and in a very real sense forfeited their ability to do good from their positions of influece.

They have neutered themselves in the halls of power.

There is now nowhere to hide!

And so we pray:

Deliver us from the shadows.

Deliver us from that darkness

which hides and condones shameful acts.

The capacity for evil

is hidden in the shadows of all our lives.

Let the light shine through it.

Deliver us all from evil.
