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Woe is me!

Job takes center stage in today's readings.

Have you ever had a "Job Day?"

I am right now because I just lost everything I typed.

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However all I have to do is turn on the News and discover the misfortunes of others.

And so often they are borne with patience and courage!

There is a Greek myth: Sisyipus:

A man pushes a rock to the brink of a hill and it keeps roling back over him.

It is not a Christian story because it lacks any element of Hope.

But even Job has a happy development. In my Contemporary Way Of The Cross book, I have this wonderful translation of a Job passage:

"all thrugh these difficult days I keep hoping, waiting for the final change: Resurrection. will watch every step I take, but you will not keep track of my mis steps,

My sins will be stuffed in a sack,

and thrown into the Sea, --sunk in te deep ocean."


And so we pray:

No matter how steep the climb,

no matter how many the obstacles,

enliven us with Hope,

to take the next step, and the next.

For just over the horizon

is Transfiguration.
