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Where does Satan lurk today in our desert?

“The Spirit drove Jesus into the desert and he remained for 40 days, tempted by Satan…”
Where is our desert today and in what shadows does Satan lurk,
“prowling about, seeking whom he might devour?”
Satan is the “Father of lies” and If
he could lie to Jesus, certainly he can lie to us, too.

The Father of lies:
Will be behind the Russians meddling in our mid-term elections sowing discord everywhere.

The Father of lies:
Loves “alternate" facts.

The Father of lies:
Loves the defenders of “Gun Rights” telling us
“Our children must have the right to buy automatic weapons
and use them lest we lose our 2nd Amendment rights.”

The Father of Lies:
Tells us that violent video games and movies with unrelenting violence
are “good for our children’s psyches.”

The Father of lies:
Tells us tha school shootings are just normal and we should just get used to them
as our Congress does.

The Father of Lies
Tells us that pornography is good sex education.

The Father of Lies:
Tells us that Dreamers brought to this country must pay for the “sins” of their parents”
and must be deported.

The Father of Lies:
Tells us Medicare must be cut so we can build more bombs.

The Father of Lies:
Tells us The 2% of the richest of the Rich must be catered to
and some of their riches will trickle down to the poor.

The Father of lies:
Tells us that refugees and undocumented migrants are mostly rapists and degenerates.

The Father of lies:
Tells us: It is OK to be smug, self satisfied, and think of ourselves
as the better ones in contrast to the rabble who are poor.

The Father of Lies:
Tells us that we must be pride-full lest we lose our self esteem.

The Father of Lies:
Tells us It is OK for us to pass judgments on others because after all, we are always right.

The Father of Lies:
Tells us we need neither to fast, nor confess, for we are the righteous and perfect saved ones.
We after all can think of no sins to confess.

So speaks Satan, the Father of all lies.

“He was in the desert for 40 days, tempted by Satan.
He was among the wild bests, and the angels ministered to him.”

And so we pray,
“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil…’’
Protect us from Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world
Seeking the ruin of souls.