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Sleeping Beauty

In the mythic fable Sleeping Beauty, the wicked witch curses the princess to die, but she only falls asleep, waiting to be awakened by the kiss of a priince.

In some sense we are all sleeping beauties waiting to be awakened.

So were the apostles. Notice how they slept in the boat when Jesus walked on the waters.

And in the darkest hour for Jesus, they fell askeep in the garden.

We can easily fall asleep to all the beauty that surrounds us, especially here at Scottsdale House where we are surrounded by beauty.

There is a lovely hymn:

I walk with beauty before me.

I walk with beauty below me.

I walk with beauty above me.

I walk with beauty all around me.

Your world is so beautiful, O God.

Yet this view can so often be dimmned by so many images of violence and turmoil that flood our screens and senses.

Today's gospel is all about the radiant beauty that illumines the face of the Beautiful Saviour.

The apostles are given this preview of future glory to prepare them for the ugliness of the cross which soon would follow.

During Lent we forgo the Alleluia, but we do not forget our ultimate Glory as we proclaim before the Gospel:

"Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ,

King of endless glory!"

And so we pray:

O Holy banquet

in which Christ is received,

the soul is filled with grace,

and there is given to us a pledge of future glory.

