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He himself knew human nature well...

On March 3, 2018 we gathered 440 people at Brophy Hall for a fundraiser for the KINO Border Initiative, a half way house for expelled migrants at the border in Nogales.

This event at $250.00 a plate comes at a time of great need. This was the largest in the last 10 years. I was so gratified to have 50 of my friends at 5 tables.

2 of my classmates of the Prep class of 1950 attended as well as 8 other Omaha friends.

Thanks to all who made this event so successful!


Today's Gospel:

"He knew them well and did not need anyone to testify about human nature. He himself knew it well."

These are such poignant words from John's Gospel.

And what of human nature?

it would seem that there is only a thin veneer of humanity that raises us above beasts.

Ever since Moses brought down the 10 commandments from Sinai, we have rebelled over and over against any constraints, and especially against the 5th Commandment. We have founfd excuse after excuse to kill.

The ancient Israelites had their Golden Calf as their idol.

We have our guns!

Just as much as the Golden Calf was for them, oue sacred guns are our modern day idols.

Listen to the rantings and ravings of NRA advocate Wayne LaPierre:

"The elites don't care one whit about school children!"

(They just want to take away our guns!)

"The constitutional right to bear arms is not bestowd by man but granted by God to all Americans..."

Really Ken?

Now God carries a NRA membership card?

Well it is not just the elites it is the majority of rational people who have no desire to take away all of Ken's guns: just the machine guns that wreak havoc on our children.

But no rational argument will effect the NRA who are closed to reason or dialog.

So various organizations and corporations removing support for the NRA is a step in the right direction.

In the midst of his rantings, one sporting goods chain called "Dick's" is stopping selling Assault Rifles to teens and now you must be 21 to buy them. At least that is one small step toward sanity.

And so we pray:

The law of the Lord is perfect,

refreshing the soul.

The decree of the Lord is trustworthy,

givng wisdom to the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are right,

rejoicing the heart,

the command of the Lord is clear,

enlightening the eye.

Psalm 19