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...Let our lives be pulled apart...

Today Jesus enters Jerusalem, where his life "will be pulled apart..."

[from Father Denis Hanneman, Retired Omaha Pastor:]

"...real love demands a kind of dying. It means taking the risk of being hurt, being broken, of losing some part of ourselves. There is a price involved in really loving. Sometimes it is a heavy one.

But in our love for one another...we find within ourselves the bounty of the Gospel wheat.

Our willingness to "die" to our fears, to put aside our needs and wants, to let our lives be "pulled apart" we discover the love that can only be of God.

It need not be very dramatic. The invitations to love each day usually involves few serious risks, small acts "of dying."and seeming insignificant amounts of selfless giving."

As I read Father Dennis wise words, I realized I have too few opportunities for daily little acts od "dying." Sometimes it may be limited to feeding Buddy or taking him for a walk when I do not feel like it!

So Jesus especially in this week we call HOLY, beckons to us and challenges us:

"Take up your cross daily and follow me!"

And so we pray:

We adore you O Christ

and we bless you,

becase by your Holy Cross,

you have redeemed the world.