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Whenever I see a frolicking lamb, I resolve-never to eat a lamb chop!

Lambs are innocent and that is why we acclaim Jesus as Lamb of God.

Today Jesus declares himself also as the Good Shepherd who cares for the sheep.

In college I worked at the stockyards and was aware of the “Judas Goat.”

This goat would lead the hapless sheep out of their pens and down the alley to their ultimate slaughter.

Too many of the human flock today are beguiled and mesmerized by Judas Goats.

Fox News is no more than a propaganda loudspeaker, and observe how many are-beguiled.
Sadly if you tell lies over and over, people believe what they want to believe.

When the President accuses his critics of being criminals
we are on a slippery slope towards dictatorship!

Sadly we mourn the death of Barbara Bush,
who brought dignity and class to the White House.
May she Rest In Peace.

And so we pray:
Lamb of God,
Who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.