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Jesus often used images from nature....
the vine today, but also the seed scattered, the lamb, baptism in the Jordan.
These are all images of fertility.

And without fertility, there can be no emerging life.

Would Jesus then be concerned about Global Warming?
Pope Francis is, and so would Jesus.

Surely he would. Some scoff at Global Warming, although reputable scientists do not.
Skeptics give as an example our long and cold winter.
But what they fail to realize is that Global Warming results in
which can be either extremely cold or extremely hot.

O Lord let our spiritual attitude be GREEN!

The First Reading shows the early
Christians skeptical about the convert Paul, for after all he previously wanted to kill them.
I recommend the current movie: THE APOSTLE PAUL.
It is well done and you will appreciate St. Paul more if you see it.

And so we pray:
(The Introit)
O sing a new song unto the Lord,
for he has worked wonders
in the sight of the nations.
He has shown his deliverance,